Orchard Beach VFD will be hosting our Cash Bingo with a $1000 last game jackpot, high payout regular games, specials and pull tabs!
$1000.00 Jackpot
Cost is $30.00
Seating is first come first serve
Doors open 5:00 PM Games start at 7:00 PM $30.00 includes 19 games (9 on) $125.00 jackpots Last game of the night (included in the package) - Fill the Card - $1000.00!!! $15.00 ... (Full Story)
On Friday September, 20th, 2024 at 0700 hours, Fire Chief Wayne Snyder placed our new Rescue Squad in service. The Orchard Beach Vol Fire Dept would like to thank the Local residents for their financial support and contributions to our annual Fund Drives, Bingos and Annual Shrimp Feast that made this accusation possible. A special thanks goes out to our Ladies Auxiliary for their support through ... (Full Story & Photos)
On 9/15/2018 @ 0115 hrs Units from Anne Arundel County Fire Department responded to the intersection of Baltimore Annpaolis Blvd. & Lower Magothy Beach Rd. for a Motor vehicle collision with reported entrapment. Units arrived and had one vehicle on its roof and one vehicle in the intersection with one person trapped. Crews immediately went to work to remove the trapped patient. Drivers of both vehicles ... (Full Story & Photos)
On Friday, July 28th around 3:05 a.m. Engine 112 was dispatched with units from the second battalion for a reported building Coconut Charlie’s, located at 9129 Fort Smallwood Road. First arriving units reported fire on the side of the one story barl. Crews found heavy fire in the attic area of the building. A second alarm was requested. the crew from Engine 112 assisted with fire attack. ... (Full Story & Photos)